The laboratory of Ueli Rutishauser, PhD, is investigating the neural mechanisms of learning, memory, and decision making. We are a systems neuroscience laboratory and use a combination of in-vivo single-unit electrophysiology in humans, intracranial electrocorticography, eye tracking, behavior, and computational approaches. An overarching goal is to capitalize on special neurosurgical situations to advance knowledge of the human nervous system. We have helped pioneer the technique of human single-neuron recordings and continue to advance the tools, methods and surgical techniques that allow such experiments. Recent work has focused on the neural mechanisms of episodic memory and single-trial learning, the representation of novelty and familiarity in the human hippocampus, amygdala and basal ganglia, the theta rhythm, the mechanisms of metacognition such as error monitoring, and the neural representation of faces and emotions.
- Elder, James R.;Zheng, Jie et al. (2025) An invariant schema emerges within a neural network during hierarchical learning of visual boundaries
- Cao, Runnan;Dubois, Julien et al. (2024) Domain-specific representation of social inference by neurons in the human amygdala and hippocampusScience Advances
- Choi, Jeong Woo;Malekmohammadi, Mahsa et al. (2024) Prefrontal-subthalamic theta signaling mediates delayed responses during conflict processingProgress in Neurobiology
- Aquino, Tomas G.;Courellis, Hristos et al. (2024) Encoding of predictive associations in human prefrontal and medial temporal neurons during Pavlovian appetitive conditioningJournal of Neuroscience
- Daume, Jonathan;Kamiński, Jan et al. (2024) Control of working memory by phase–amplitude coupling of human hippocampal neuronsNature
- Keles, Umit;Dubois, Julien et al. (2024) Multimodal single-neuron, intracranial EEG, and fMRI brain responses during movie watching in human patientsScientific Data
- Kyzar, Michael;Kamiński, Jan et al. (2024) Dataset of human-single neuron activity during a Sternberg working memory taskScientific Data
- Fu, Zhongzheng;Sajad, Amirsaman et al. (2023) Neurophysiological mechanisms of error monitoring in human and non-human primatesNature Reviews. Neuroscience
- Cao, Runnan;Wang, Jinge et al. (2020) Feature-based encoding of face identity by single neurons in the human medial temporal lobe
- Buchin, Anatoly;de Frates, Rebecca et al. (2020) Multi-modal characterization and simulation of human epileptic circuitry