Bioengineering Research Areas
Biological Engineering research at Caltech focuses on the application of engineering principles to the design, analysis, construction, and manipulation of biological systems, and on the discovery and application of new engineering principles inspired by the properties of biological systems. In addition, the Donna and Benjamin M. Rosen Bioengineering Center supports bioengineering research through the funding of fellows and research projects across many disciplines. Areas of research include:
Biological Imaging

Biophotonics, advanced imaging technologies, computational image analysis, noninvasive biomedical imaging, single-molecule technologies, flow-field imaging technologies, in situ amplification.
Bioinspired Design

Engineering physiological machines, engineering self-powered technologies, control systems, synthetic heteropolymers, and self-healing circuits and systems.

Molecular and cellular biophysics, cardiovascular mechanics, muscle and membrane mechanics, physiology and mechanics of flapping flight, multicellular morphodynamics, cell-biomaterial interactions.
Biomedical Devices

BioNEMS, BioMEMS, laboratories-on-a-chip including microfluidic systems, neural networks, microscopes, and diagnostics, novel measurement principles, neural interfaces and prostheses, locomotion rehabilitation, molecular imaging during surgery.
Biomolecular Engineering

Protein, DNA, and RNA engineering, directed evolution, rational design, machine learning, catalysts, transducers, logic gates, amplifiers, motors, circuits.
Cell and Tissue Engineering

Multi cellular morphodynamics, principles of feedback between tissue mechanics and genetic expression, non-natural protein bio materials, cell-bio material interactions, developmental patterning.
Molecular Medicine

Engineering immunity, cancer vaccines, AIDS vaccine, novel anti-cancer therapeutics, Parkinson's disease, nicotine addiction, microbiome perturbations in disease, molecular basis of autism, programmable chemo therapies, conditional chemo therapies, nano particle drug delivery.
Molecular Programming

Abstractions, languages, algorithms and compilers for programming nucleic acid function, molecular information processing, molecular complexity theory, free energy landscapes, metastable systems, self-assembly across length scales, algorithmic self-assembly, synthetic molecular motors, in vitro and in vivo nucleic acid circuits.
Single Cell and Single Molecule Biology

Single cell genomics, single cell proteomics, spatial genomics, nuclear architecture, biological condensates, super-resolution microscopy, machine learning image analysis, microbial community.
Synthetic Biology

Principles of biological circuit design, genetic circuits, protein engineering, noncanonical amino acids, nucleic acid engineering, rational design, directed evolution, metabolic engineering, biofuels, biocatalysts, elucidation of systems biology principles using synthetic systems.
Systems Biology

Roles of circuit architecture and stochasticity in cellular decision making, feedback, control and complexity in biological networks, multi cellular morphodynamics, principles of developmental circuitry including signal integration and coordination, spatial patterning, and organ formation, principles of feedback between tissue mechanics and genetic expression, neural development and disease.