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AAR Advancement and Alumni Relations
ACC - portal to online profile (paystubs, benefits, timekeeping, parking, etc.)
ADR Academic Divisions and Regions - Fundraising Unit in DIR
AECC Alumni Engagement Coordinating Council
AEW Alumni Engagement Workgroup
AIS Advancement Information Services
AMT Academic Media Technologies - AV Rental for campus events
ASCIT Associated Students of Caltech, Incorporated (undergrad)
ASI Annual Salary Increase
ASIC Audit Services and Institute Compliance
Ath The Athenaeum, including Hayman Lounge, Rath, Rathskellar, Main Lounge, Hall of Associates
Averites Residents of Avery House, a residence for undergrads, grad students, visitors & faculty
BBE Biology and Biological Engineering
BBSO Big Bear Solar Observatory (Big Bear City, CA)
BE Biological Engineering / Bioengineering
Bechtel Mall Walk between Wilson Avenue and east of Caltech Hall (formally Millikan)
BI Beckman Institute
BIF Biological Imaging Facilty
Big T Caltech yearbook published by students
Board Room Ground Floor meeting room in Caltech Hall (formally Millikan) Building
BOT Board of Trustees
Broad Café Food service at Broad
CBIC Caltech Brain Imaging Center
Broad Walk Walkway on northwest corner of campus, north of Broad Center
C Store Convenience store on campus
C2C Coast-to-Coast Consortium
CAA Caltech Alumni Association
CACR Caltech Center for Advanced Computing Reseasrch
Caltech Wired Computer store on campus
Caltech Y Caltech affiliate organization, originally formed by students
CARMA Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-Wave Astronomy
CASE Council for Advancement and Support of Education
CAST Center for Autonomous Systems and Technology
CATS Architectural Tour Service of Caltech
CBIC Caltech Brain Imaging Center
CBIPP Caltech Bioscience Industrial Partners Program
CBRC Caltech Bioinformatics Resource Center
CES Center for Evolutionary Science
CCAP Caltech Childcare Assistance Program
CCC Children's Center at Caltech (on campus)
CCE Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
CEC Child Educational Center (La Canada, near JPL)
CEFCU Caltech Employees Federal Crerdit Union
CFE Center for Financial Economics
CHHC Caltech-Huntington Humanities Collaboration
CLOVER CLARITY, Optogenetics, & Vector Engineering
CMA Caltech Management Association
CNS Computation and Neural Systems
CNTL Caltech Neurotechnology Laboratory
COGNOS Data warehouse
COO Caltech Optical Observatories
Court of Man Lawn south of Beckman Auditorium, used for Graduation and big events
CPA Caltech Postdoc Association
CRR Catalina Recreation Rooms
CSF Caltech Seed Fund
CSIS Center for Social and Information Sciences
CSN Community Seismic Network
CSO Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (Hilo, Hawaii)
CSO Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (Mauna Kea, Hawaii)
CSR Constituent Summery Report
CSS Center for Student Services
CTLO Center for Teaching, Learning and Outreach
DA Division Administrators
DAF Divisional Approval Form
DAR What DIR used to be known as
Darbs Residents of Dabney House, one of the undergrad houses
DC Division Chairs
DCAA Defense Control Audit Agency
DEA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
DHS Department of Homeland Security
DIR Development and Institute Relations
Ditch Day Annual student event
DLAU Disability and Leave Administration Unit
DO Development Officer
DOO Division Operations Officer
DPM Division Personnel Management
EAB Education Advisory Board
EAP Engagement and Annual Programs
EAS Engineering and Applied Science
EBEF Ecology and Biosphere Engineering Facility
EDA Employee Data Administration
EOD Employee and Organizational Development
ERISA Employee Retirement Income Security Act
E-Verify DHS system for employers to verify employment eligibility info
FARE Faculty Advisors Recognition Endowment
Flems Residents of Fleming House, one of the undergrad residences
FRO Faculty Records Office
FSA Atlas (international office software)
GEMS Genetically Engineered Mouse Production Facility (now known as MGERC)
GPS Geological and Planetary Sciences
GSA General Services Administration
GSC Graudate Student Council
HHMI Howard Hughes Medical Institute
HSS Humanities and Social Sciences
I-9 Form I9 - Employment Eligibility Verification
IAC Institute Administrative Council
IACC Institute Academic Council of Caltech
IARC Institute and Alumni Relations Committee of the Board of Trustees
IHC Interhouse Committee
IMSS Information Management Systems and Services
IPAC Infrared Processing and Analysis Center
IQIM Institute for Quantum Information and Matter
IST Information Science and Technology Initiative
ITAR International Traffic in Arms Regulations
JCAP Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis
JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Keck Observatory Caltech-operated observatory on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
KISS Keck Institute for Space Studies
KML Kerckhoff Marine Laboratory
KNI Kavli Nanoscience Institute
KRONOS Employee Timekeeping
LIGO Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO Hanford, WA and LIGO Livingston, LA)
little T Undergraduate Publication
Lloydies Residents of Lloyd House, one of the undergraduate residences
LOI Letter of Intent
MCE Mechanical and Civil Engineering
ME72 Mechanical Engineering class that hosts annual robotics competition
MGERC Mammalian Genome Resource Center (Previously GEMS)
MILL Millennium Database
Moles Residents of Blacker House, one of the undergrad houses
Moore Walk Walkway north of the Annenberg building in the northeast campus
MORA Minimum Overhead Review and Approval
MOSH Master of Student Houses
MPS Member of Professional Staff
NB Neurobiology
NIH National Institutes of Health Policy
NSF National Science Foundation, an agency that funds a lot of research at Caltech
OFR Office of Foundation Relations
OGC Office of the General Counsel
OGP Office of Gift Planning
OLAR Office of Laboratory Animal Resources
Olive Walk Walk between the Athenaeum and west of Millikan Library
ONR Office of Naval Research (JPL funding source)
OVRO Owens Valley Radio Observatory
Pageboys Residents of Page House, one of the undergrad residences
Palomar Observatory Observatory in Palomar, California
P-Card Purchasing Card (credit card)
PAR Prospect Analytics and Reporting
PEC PEC Protein Expression Center
PEL Proteome Exploration Laboratory
PI Principal Investigator
PM Prospect Manager
PMA Physics, Math, and Astronomy
PMR Prospect Management and Research
PMTC Programmable Molecular Technology Center
PS Primary Solicitor
PTA Project/Task/Award
QM Qualification Manager
QUIC Quantum Information and Computation
RA Residence Associates in the Residence Halls
Rathskellar Café in the basement
Red Door Red Door Café on campus
RI2 Rothenberg Innovation Initiative (RI squared)
Rudds Residents of Ruddock House, one of the undergrad residences
San Pasqual Walk Walkway connecting San Pasqual Street across campus
SDOD Senior Director of Development
SEEC Stem Cell and Embryo Engineering Center
SFCC Staff and Faculty Consultation Center
SI Strategic Initiatives
Skurves/Scurves Residents of Ricketts House, one of the undergrad residences
SPEC Single-Cell Profiling and Engineering Center
SSC Spitzer Science Center
SURF Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
TACIT Theater Arts at Caltech
TBH To Be Hired
TechMart Purchasing System
TEM Center for Transmission Electron Microscopy
Title VII Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
TM (prospect) Prospect Team Members
TM Talent Management
TMT Thirty Meter Telescope
TS Team Solicitors
UG Undergraduate
UG Houses Dorms
URM Underrepresented Minority
USGS United States Geological Survey
WASC Western Association of Schools and Colleges
WEL Water and Environment Lab
Vens Residents of Venerable House, one of the undergrad residences
VPN Virtual Private Network