Showing 179 records.
AAR | Advancement and Alumni Relations | |
ACC | - portal to online profile (paystubs, benefits, timekeeping, parking, etc.) | |
ADR | Academic Divisions and Regions - Fundraising Unit in DIR | |
AECC | Alumni Engagement Coordinating Council | |
AEW | Alumni Engagement Workgroup | |
AIS | Advancement Information Services | |
AMT | Academic Media Technologies - AV Rental for campus events | |
ASCIT | Associated Students of Caltech, Incorporated (undergrad) | |
ASI | Annual Salary Increase | |
ASIC | Audit Services and Institute Compliance | |
Ath | The Athenaeum, including Hayman Lounge, Rath, Rathskellar, Main Lounge, Hall of Associates | |
Averites | Residents of Avery House, a residence for undergrads, grad students, visitors & faculty | |
BBE | Biology and Biological Engineering | |
BBSO | Big Bear Solar Observatory (Big Bear City, CA) | |
BE | Biological Engineering / Bioengineering | |
Bechtel Mall | Walk between Wilson Avenue and east of Caltech Hall (formally Millikan) | |
BI | Beckman Institute | |
BIF | Biological Imaging Facilty | |
Big T | Caltech yearbook published by students | |
Board Room | Ground Floor meeting room in Caltech Hall (formally Millikan) Building | |
BOT | Board of Trustees | |
Broad Café | Food service at Broad | |
CBIC | Caltech Brain Imaging Center | |
Broad Walk | Walkway on northwest corner of campus, north of Broad Center | |
C Store | Convenience store on campus | |
C2C | Coast-to-Coast Consortium | |
CAA | Caltech Alumni Association | |
CACR | Caltech Center for Advanced Computing Reseasrch | |
Caltech Wired | Computer store on campus | |
Caltech Y | Caltech affiliate organization, originally formed by students | |
CARMA | Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-Wave Astronomy | |
CASE | Council for Advancement and Support of Education | |
CAST | Center for Autonomous Systems and Technology | |
CATS | Architectural Tour Service of Caltech | |
CBIC | Caltech Brain Imaging Center | |
CBIPP | Caltech Bioscience Industrial Partners Program | |
CBRC | Caltech Bioinformatics Resource Center | |
CES | Center for Evolutionary Science | |
CCAP | Caltech Childcare Assistance Program | |
CCC | Children's Center at Caltech (on campus) | |
CCE | Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | |
CEC | Child Educational Center (La Canada, near JPL) | |
CEFCU | Caltech Employees Federal Crerdit Union | |
CFE | Center for Financial Economics | |
CHHC | Caltech-Huntington Humanities Collaboration | |
CLOVER | CLARITY, Optogenetics, & Vector Engineering | |
CMA | Caltech Management Association | |
CNS | Computation and Neural Systems | |
CNTL | Caltech Neurotechnology Laboratory | |
COGNOS | Data warehouse | |
COO | Caltech Optical Observatories | |
Court of Man | Lawn south of Beckman Auditorium, used for Graduation and big events | |
CPA | Caltech Postdoc Association | |
CRR | Catalina Recreation Rooms | |
CSF | Caltech Seed Fund | |
CSIS | Center for Social and Information Sciences | |
CSN | Community Seismic Network | |
CSO | Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (Hilo, Hawaii) | |
CSO | Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (Mauna Kea, Hawaii) | |
CSR | Constituent Summery Report | |
CSS | Center for Student Services | |
CTLO | Center for Teaching, Learning and Outreach | |
DA | Division Administrators | |
DAF | Divisional Approval Form | |
DAR | What DIR used to be known as | |
Darbs | Residents of Dabney House, one of the undergrad houses | |
DC | Division Chairs | |
DCAA | Defense Control Audit Agency | |
DEA | Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | |
DHS | Department of Homeland Security | |
DIR | Development and Institute Relations | |
Ditch Day | Annual student event | |
DLAU | Disability and Leave Administration Unit | |
DO | Development Officer | |
DOO | Division Operations Officer | |
DPM | Division Personnel Management | |
EAB | Education Advisory Board | |
EAP | Engagement and Annual Programs | |
EAS | Engineering and Applied Science | |
EBEF | Ecology and Biosphere Engineering Facility | |
EDA | Employee Data Administration | |
EOD | Employee and Organizational Development | |
ERISA | Employee Retirement Income Security Act | |
E-Verify | DHS system for employers to verify employment eligibility info | |
FARE | Faculty Advisors Recognition Endowment | |
Flems | Residents of Fleming House, one of the undergrad residences | |
FRO | Faculty Records Office | |
FSA Atlas | (international office software) | |
GEMS | Genetically Engineered Mouse Production Facility (now known as MGERC) | |
GPS | Geological and Planetary Sciences | |
GSA | General Services Administration | |
GSC | Graudate Student Council | |
HHMI | Howard Hughes Medical Institute | |
HSS | Humanities and Social Sciences | |
I-9 | Form I9 - Employment Eligibility Verification | |
IAC | Institute Administrative Council | |
IACC | Institute Academic Council of Caltech | |
IARC | Institute and Alumni Relations Committee of the Board of Trustees | |
IHC | Interhouse Committee | |
IMSS | Information Management Systems and Services | |
IPAC | Infrared Processing and Analysis Center | |
IQIM | Institute for Quantum Information and Matter | |
IST | Information Science and Technology Initiative | |
ITAR | International Traffic in Arms Regulations | |
JCAP | Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis | |
JPL | Jet Propulsion Laboratory | |
Keck Observatory | Caltech-operated observatory on Mauna Kea, Hawaii | |
KISS | Keck Institute for Space Studies | |
KML | Kerckhoff Marine Laboratory | |
KNI | Kavli Nanoscience Institute | |
KRONOS | Employee Timekeeping | |
LIGO | Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO Hanford, WA and LIGO Livingston, LA) | |
little T | Undergraduate Publication | |
Lloydies | Residents of Lloyd House, one of the undergraduate residences | |
LOI | Letter of Intent | |
MCE | Mechanical and Civil Engineering | |
ME72 | Mechanical Engineering class that hosts annual robotics competition | |
MGERC | Mammalian Genome Resource Center (Previously GEMS) | |
MILL | Millennium Database | |
Moles | Residents of Blacker House, one of the undergrad houses | |
Moore Walk | Walkway north of the Annenberg building in the northeast campus | |
MORA | Minimum Overhead Review and Approval | |
MOSH | Master of Student Houses | |
MPS | Member of Professional Staff | |
NB | Neurobiology | |
NIH | National Institutes of Health Policy | |
NSF | National Science Foundation, an agency that funds a lot of research at Caltech | |
OFR | Office of Foundation Relations | |
OGC | Office of the General Counsel | |
OGP | Office of Gift Planning | |
OLAR | Office of Laboratory Animal Resources | |
Olive Walk | Walk between the Athenaeum and west of Millikan Library | |
ONR | Office of Naval Research (JPL funding source) | |
OVRO | Owens Valley Radio Observatory | |
Pageboys | Residents of Page House, one of the undergrad residences | |
Palomar Observatory | Observatory in Palomar, California | |
P-Card | Purchasing Card (credit card) | |
PAR | Prospect Analytics and Reporting | |
PEC | PEC Protein Expression Center | |
PEL | Proteome Exploration Laboratory | |
PI | Principal Investigator | |
PM | Prospect Manager | |
PMA | Physics, Math, and Astronomy | |
PMR | Prospect Management and Research | |
PMTC | Programmable Molecular Technology Center | |
PS | Primary Solicitor | |
PTA | Project/Task/Award | |
QM | Qualification Manager | |
QUIC | Quantum Information and Computation | |
RA | Residence Associates in the Residence Halls | |
Rathskellar | Café in the basement | |
Red Door | Red Door Café on campus | |
RI2 | Rothenberg Innovation Initiative (RI squared) | |
Rudds | Residents of Ruddock House, one of the undergrad residences | |
San Pasqual Walk | Walkway connecting San Pasqual Street across campus | |
SDOD | Senior Director of Development | |
SEEC | Stem Cell and Embryo Engineering Center | |
SFCC | Staff and Faculty Consultation Center | |
SI | Strategic Initiatives | |
Skurves/Scurves | Residents of Ricketts House, one of the undergrad residences | |
SPEC | Single-Cell Profiling and Engineering Center | |
SSC | Spitzer Science Center | |
SURF | Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship | |
TACIT | Theater Arts at Caltech | |
TBH | To Be Hired | |
TechMart | Purchasing System | |
TEM | Center for Transmission Electron Microscopy | |
Title VII | Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 | |
TM (prospect) | Prospect Team Members | |
TM | Talent Management | |
TMT | Thirty Meter Telescope | |
TS | Team Solicitors | |
UG | Undergraduate | |
UG Houses | Dorms | |
URM | Underrepresented Minority | |
USGS | United States Geological Survey | |
WASC | Western Association of Schools and Colleges | |
WEL | Water and Environment Lab | |
Vens | Residents of Venerable House, one of the undergrad residences | |
VPN | Virtual Private Network |