Diversity in BBE (DiBBE) Initiative
DiBBE (Diversity in BBE) is a working group that serves BBE by supporting programming related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our goals include supporting current department members through inclusive events and programming, recruiting the next generation of BBE members, and community outreach. Sign up for our mailing list below to keep in touch, and we hope to see you at one of our events soon!
Join our mailing list to stay updated click here!
- DiBBE kickoff event: coming October 3, stay tuned for details!
- Look for our poster presentation at the BBE retreat!
- Applications are open to be a 2024-25 DEI representative! Apply here: https://forms.gle/mKemqpJsAW4EXw7e8
- We are recruiting a new recruitment director. Contact us at dibbe@caltech.edu if you are interested in joining the DiBBE board!
- We are looking for graduate students to represent BBE at upcoming conferences: NOBCChE, SACNAS, and ABRCMS. Look for our recruitment messages and please fill out the interest form if you are interested: https://forms.gle/vrtPNxVu3bq7aRVL9
- DiBBE has launched, with our first meeting in July 2024!
Board Members
Presidents: Jacob Parres-Gold and Georgia Squyres
Events Directors: Juni Polansky
Recruitment Directors: Kayla Jackson and Judah Bates
Outreach Directors: Natalie Wu-Woods and Jason Lin
DEI Representatives Directors: Nikhila Swarna and Meera Prasad
Contact the DiBBE Board dibbe@caltech.edu