Complete one of the following forms and return to Stefany Nielsen (
- Forms:
Recommendation for Appointment Postdoctoral Scholar
Recommendation for Appointment – Postdoctoral Scholar with a Caltech PhD
ALL Sections must be completed on Postdoc Application before submitting to division for processing. Page 1 to be completed by postdoc and Page 2 to be completed by sponsor or admin. Postdoc Application must be signed by Sponsor.
Email completed and signed postdoc application with CV and 2-3 letters of recommendation to the divisional office at least a month in advance, two or more months if foreign national.
REAPPOINTMENT PROCESS: Division will send a renewal request to the sponsor 3 months before expiration; foreign national postdoc appointments are started 6 months before expiration.
Salary Increases can be processed at any time. Email divisional office with salary increase information and justification.
For questions, please contact Stefany Nielsen at (626)395-4700 or
See Postdoctoral Scholar Programs Manager for minimum salary for postdoctoral scholars.
Postdoctoral Scholar: Postdoctoral scholars and senior postdoctoral scholars are temporary interim employees. Postdocs and senior postdocs always work under close supervision of one or more Caltech professorial faculty members. Postdocs and senior postdocs are a separate group, distinct from faculty, staff, and students.
Senior Postdoctoral Scholar: Postdoctoral scholars are generally promoted to the rank of Senior Postdoctoral Scholar after three years. Time served in the ranks of postdoctoral scholar and senior postdoctoral scholar cannot exceed the maximum of nine years. Persons who have held a postdoctoral position at another institution may be appointed directly to the senior postdoctoral scholar rank.
The Postdoctoral Scholar handbook includes policies and procedures, please download and review.
All appointments must be sponsored or co-sponsored by a member of the professorial faculty and approved by the Division Chairs.
Fixed Term Appointment
A Postdoctoral Scholar may be appointed to a fixed term for terms up to three years. A fixed term appointment will terminate at the end of the term unless renewed. Fixed term appointments that are terminated prior to the end of the appointment term will be subject to the notice requirements set forth in the Standards for Notice section herein.
Renewable Term Appointments
A Postdoctoral Scholar may be appointed to a renewable term appointment. The initial term of the appointment is one year, renewable annually, for a maximum duration of three years. Two months written notice of renewal/nonrenewal is required prior to the expiration of the current one-year term. If no written notice is provided and the maximum duration.
is not reached, then the appointment automatically renews. The appointment expires at the end of the current term with two months written notice. Renewable term appointments that are terminated prior to the expiration of the current term will be subject to the notice requirements set forth in the Standards for Notice section herein.
Renewal of Appointments
Fixed and renewable term appointments to rank of Postdoctoral Scholar can be renewed up to a maximum of six years. Time served in the ranks of Postdoctoral Scholar and Senior Postdoctoral Scholar combined cannot exceed a maximum of nine years.
While it is Caltech's expectation that every individual who receives an appointment as a Postdoctoral Scholar will be successful, there are circumstances when it is necessary to terminate an appointment in advance of its expiration date. Caltech has very high expectations of academic and research performance. In situations where academic or research performance is not at a level acceptable to the Institute, notice to a Postdoctoral Scholar subject to termination of an appointment prior to its expiration date is given in writing in accordance with the following standards:
- For those who have been employed by Caltech for less than a year, the advance notice shall be three months.
- For those who have been employed by Caltech at least one year but less than two years, the advance notice shall be six months, and
- Those with two or more years at Caltech shall receive notice or such termination at least one year in advance.
In addition, in cases where termination of an appointment is for reasons involving academic or non-academic misconduct, termination may be immediate and without prior notice.
Postdoctoral Scholar Research Associates and Postdoctoral Scholar Teaching Fellows are entitled to up to a maximum of 21 days of vacation per year (in addition to Caltech holidays) after they have spent nine months as a Postdoctoral Scholar at Caltech. Each year on the anniversary date of their eligibility for vacation, they will be credited with vacation not to exceed 21 days per year, and pro-rated if the appointment is for less than one year. Vacation time must be scheduled with and documented by the faculty sponsor. Unused vacation will be paid at the time of termination.
The availability of paid vacation for Postdoctoral Scholar Fellowship Trainees depends on their funding arrangement.
Sick Leave
Postdoctoral Scholar Research Associates and Postdoctoral Scholar Teaching Fellows receive 15 days of sick leave per year. A Postdoctoral Scholar's sick leave balance does not accrue, nor is it payable upon termination. The availability of paid sick leave for Postdoctoral Scholar Fellowship Trainees depends on their funding arrangement.
Leaves of Absence
Pregnancy Leave: Postdoctoral Scholars of all three ranks are entitled to:
- A minimum 6-week paid leave of absence for pregnancy-related disability with reinstatement guaranteed unless the position ceases to exist. During such periods the Institute will continue its contribution toward medical insurance coverage for Postdoctoral Scholars receiving salary or stipends from Caltech. Caltech complies with California's Pregnancy Disability Leave Act.
- Up to 12 weeks per year of unpaid family care leave after completion of required service (as defined by the Family Medical Leave Act) at Caltech. During such periods of absence, the Institute will continue its contributions toward medical insurance coverage. Family care leave is permitted in connection with birth or adoption of a child, placement of a foster child, or serious illness of the scholar or the scholar's spouse or registered domestic partner, child, or parents. Reinstatement is guaranteed unless the position ceases to exist for reasons unrelated to the leave.
Caltech does offer holiday pay for postdocs. See Holiday Schedule
Note: Personal holiday is for staff only.